My Word For The New Year And How To Implement January 6, 2021

Happy New Year! We are finally into 2021. Which is just crazy to me as I feel like 2020 was barely there, but obviously impactful in various ways.
Every new year, everyone says “New year, new me” and chooses multiple resoltions, including the infamous dieting and hitting the gym. I’m not going to lie, this has been me probably every year in the past. Have I ever stuck to those resolutions? No. Did I ever improve a “new me”? Not really. I am choosing “same me, but with an upgrade”.
This year, for 2021, I decided to try a new approach to the year that will hopefully give new meaning to everyday life. This year, I am choosing a “word” to live by & apply to daily tasks.
My word for 2021:
You might ask, “How did you come up with that word?“. Reflection. As I was thinking and reflecting on years past, I was looking at my patterns. What could I do differently? What could I improve? What would make my life and daily tasks more meaningful? What could I do to start a routine that fits my lifestyle and my goals? As I asked my self these questions, the same word kept coming to mind. Consistency. That is the one thing that lacks. I am not consistent with everything I do. Everything I want to accomplish and change never happens, because I am not consistent. I realized I was always content to a degree with being inconsistent by missing days or weeks with any task. I wouldn’t let it phase me too much, and I would tell myself “It’s okay, I was busy. I’ll do it tomorrow”. And the more I reflected, I realized this was an almost toxic trait of mine that I really needed to work on in order for me to truly work on & better myself.
How will I implent this?
This word applies to everything in life that I do & want to accomplish. I want to be consistent in waking up early everyday, working out in the morning, making my bed everyday, etc. This may seem silly, but I am really utilizing a planner and have many (even mundane) tasks written down on everyday of the week for me to check off. That may seem very childish, but having it to “check off” helps to keep me accountable until it becomes something I consistently do everyday.
This also applies to my wonderful little corner of the internet, my blog. I want to be consistent in delivering blog posts & social media content. I plan to start by publishing at least three blog posts a week, do my daily faves everyday (M-F), and plan content ahead of time & not fly by the seat of pants. It’s so easy for me to let work and daily life at home go first, but I can’t grow if I don’t start being consistent with a routine.
How’s it going so far this year?
So far, I am off to a great start. Nothing happens and changes overnight. I’m slowly being consistent with small things, like making the bed first thing in the morning (which I hardly ever did) every day, taking vitamins every single day (also never really did), etc. By starting this routine and being consistent with the small things, it will continue to help me grow with being consistent with the bigger things.
Are you making resolutions this year or are you creating a word to live by? Whatever you choose, be mindful, be consistent, and be motivated. Don’t give up on your goals for yourself! No matter the obstacles, you can make it work. Happy New Year!