It’s a new year which means a new planner. I have always had a love/hate relationship with planners. I buy them, love them, overuse them, then forget about them for a little while, then start back again. I mean, it’s a rough cycle and I hate to even admit it. In the time frame when I did not use my planner (because I just didn’t have make time), my life was much more chaotic. Duh! 2021 is a new year and I am really trying extra hard (remember: consistency) to keep everything organized, stay busy (not spending hours scrolling socia media), and stay on track.
I.E. get ish done.
When looking for a planner, there are a few must have’s that I look for:
– Monthly at a glance view (with lots of room to write)
– Weekly pages (with lots of room to write on each day)
– To-do section for each week
– Large in size (need all the writing space)
One things that I try to steer clear of in planners in a daily schedule broken out by time on each day. I only try to stay away from planners that have this because, simply put, it doesn’t fit my lifestyle nor my usual days. I have tasks and goals that I want to accomplish each day. But because things always come up, I don’t find it helpful for me to put a time to everything. For me, it’s much easier to put something down as a general task/to-do for the day, then complete it when I have time. But writing it down tends to keep me accountable, so this works for me. I also love the feeling of checking things off the list. It makes me feel accomplished.
Another reason that I like planners without the time schedule, it because it allows for me to write anything down for that day. Here’s what I do:
What I like to write on the weekly view:
– dinner for each day
– daily tasks
– errands to be run
– people to call
– reminders
– workouts for each day
– keeping track of water intake
I like to use the monthly view for:
– important dates (bithdays, anniversary, weddings, etc)
– bill due dates + total (if not the same every month)
– appointments
– + any other information that is easy for me to look at daily + see at a glance for the month

That is why THIS planner is perfect. I stumbled upon this planner and it has everything I need in a planner. Here are some other ones that I was choosing between:
In addition to this planner, I am using this planner, The Blog Planner, for blogging content only. Lovet Planners has a lot of other planner options like, the Self Care Planner, the Instagram Planner, the Project Planner, the Weekly Planner, the Youtube Planner, the Website Planner, and the Ultimate Social Media Planner. This planner is perfect for anyone who either runs a social media account, has a small business, is a blogger, etc. I love the way this planner is set up & can’t wait to see how much it keeps me on track each week.
Note: Lovet was so kind to gift me this planner.

2021 planner blog planner blogging organization social media planner sugar paper target planner