How To Drink More Water & Why You Need A bkr Bottle In Your Life March 1, 2021

Let me start by saying this… There’s one thing that everyone always need to do more of – drink water. I was one of these people. Until my fate was sealed two years ago when I came across the beloved bkr bottle. I don’t know anyone who could truthfully say that a water bottle changed their life. But let me tell you, this one did.
I was always one of those people who drank tons of sodas or sweet tea and could go days without drinking water, and just wasn’t hydrated at all. I hated water. Then two years ago or so, I decided I had to change this & just could not keep drinking soda after soda. So, I decided to see how long I could go without a single soda (I went 1.5 years without drinking a sip!) and I started buying Life water in the 1 liter bottles from the grocery store. That lasted a few weeks until I realized not only how expensive that was, but that was a ton of plastic I was using. So I started looking around and I came across bkr bottles. They happened to be doing a mystery bag sale during this time, so I bought 1 pink mystery bag and one 1L spiked water bottle in the prettiest pink, Baker Miller.
Not to be dramatic or anything, but this one of my favorite packages I had ever received. It was lifechanging. My mystery bag came with one 1L spiked bottle in Tutu and a 500mL bottle in a pretty opaque coral (can’t remember the name). I started taking the 1L bottles with me EVERYWHERE. Around the house, to run errands, to my parents for dinner, you name it. Where I went, my bottle went. I found myself constantly reaching for it. Next thing I knew, I was drink 2-3 Liters of water a day. To say I was obsessed and hooked on these bottles is the understatement of the year. Here I am 3 years later and I am the happy owner to 14 bkr bottles and I honestly can’t wait to buy more. You may think that sounds absurd to have that many, but they stay in filled in our refrigerator and are in constant rotation. My HUSBAND even loves these bottles and he drinks 4 of these 1L bottles a day (he also never drank much water).
I recently got this kiss kit & I am LOVING it so far & currently wondering why I don’t have more of this lip balm?

Now, you may wondering, “what makes these bottles so great?”.
Well, here’s why:
1 / they are glass (BPA free, phthalate-free plastic lids)
2 / they are refillable – NO PLASTIC waste
3 / they are dishwasher safe
4 / they have silicone sleeves that protect it and can be taken off (the spiked sleeve has the best grip)
5 / they make kiss-kits that you can buy. It’s their lip balm (vegan, cruelty free, paraben free, & amazing) that you can put in their compact lid!
6 / they come a million beautiful colors that make drinking water fun
7 / you save money & are helping the environment with every refill!
8 / easy way to stay hydrated
9 / it’s the best community. Trust me, just follow them on Instagram.
10 / easy to track and see how much water you are drinking
11/ they come in three sizes:
– BIG (1 L)
– LITTLE (500 mL)
– TEENY (250 mL)
I promise, once you start, you are hooked and can never go back. The water just tastes better in them. My mom and little sister (mountain dew addict) are also obsessed with these now & that’s all they drink out of. Both of them have a collection of like 8 bottles each. If you want to drink more water, I promise, this is the easiest, prettiest, cleanest, & best way to start.
Happy Hydrating!
| Here are some of my favorite colors |

bkr favorite things glass h20 hydrating lip balm water water bottle