Ghouls & Ghosts Bait – How To Make The Easiest, Most Delicious Treat October 28, 2021

Here’s how to make this fun, easy recipe. You can also check out my Bunny Bait recipe here that I did for Easter. {PS. Check out my Instagram for a video tutorial}
| What you’ll need |
– 1 container of white almond bark
– 1 bag of white chocolate chips/morsels (or another thing of bark)
– food color (I used purple, green, orange, & black)
– 1 bag of M&M’s
– 1 pretzels
– 1 bag of popcorn
– Assortment of Halloween colored sprinkles
| How to make it |
1 / pop your popcorn
2 / start by melting your almond bark for the popcorn. I do this on the stove (much easier + quicker). Stir often so it doesn’t burn & it melts nicely.
3 / once your popcorn is done, empty into a large bowl. (make sure no un-popped kernels get in your bowl. Trust me, this hurt)
4 / add your bag of M&M’s to the popcorn bowl + as many crushed up pretzels as you like.
5 / when your almond bark is melted completely, pour on top of your popcorn mix. Gently stir until completely mixed well.
6 / Transfer this mixture onto a pan and spread out.
7 / take four small bowls and evenly divide out the morsels into the four bowl. Melt in microwave until all melted. (I put all 4 bowls in at one time & stir every 30 seconds)
8 / once melted, put a different color dye in each bowl. I only put one small drop of each color then stir.
9 / drizzle each color all over the popcorn
10 / it’s sprinkle time! Cover it in sprinkles. I use pink sanding sugar sprinkles, and various pastel colored sprinkles. For this batch, I used the pastel stars, purple stars, pink & white flowers, pink sanding sugar, and a variety pack of colorful sprinkles
11/ you’re done!! Let it harden for a few minutes and it’s ready to eat!!