Affordable Home Finds I’m Loving + My Living Room Goal August 12, 2020
Let me start by saying, I LOVE all things home. From designing all the way to picking out the furniture & decor, I absolutely love it. Everything in me truly wishes I had gotten my Interior Design degree in college, instead of Fashion Merchandising. I truly would have loved to do that.. but that is totally beside the point.
I am currently in the works of re-doing our living room. By that, I mean switching out some furniture pieces for some more refined, adult-like pieces. Not that some of my furniture pieces are childish, it’s just that some I have had since college…they were just meant to be “temporary place holders” until we could get some new furniture. Over three years later, these pieces are still in my living room. Although my style has not really changed, it’s still very eclectic, traditional, chic-like (really no good way to describe it). My goal is to “refine” my space to a more “adult” space but still have my twist on it. There are so many pieces I am eyeing and can’t wait to purchase (slowly). I would totally love to have this done by the end of the year, but getting my husband on board is a total kicker. ha!
I have this small wall in my living room that is in kind of part of my entryway, but kind of not. Like, If you put a chair there, it wouldn’t really be a part of the living room. Everything that I have put there in the past, it worked, but I just didn’t love it. I finally found this petite console table that I am OBSESSED with. EEEK it was my first purchase for my project. I always ooooh and ahhh over anything burlwood, but I literally cry over the price of it. So when I found this piece, I literally thought there was a pricing discrepancy on the website. That is why I bought this piece first, I was scared it would sell out because it’s so pretty and such a great price. See it here.
So it goes without saying, I’ve been doing some serious shopping and inspo-stalking pages & shoppes I love on insta. Here are a few things that I love in general that I have come across, that are all super affordable.

Places to shop online for affordable, but quality home decor & furniture (I have ordered from all of these places before):
West Elm
Joss and Main
Rugs USA
Crate and Barrel
World Market
One Kings Lane
Bed Bath & Beyond
Anthropologie (decor + kitchen)
Lulu and Georgia

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I really enjoy reading your post and looking at all your pretty items. There are so many pretty things on here! I think you make a great home interior decorator! Loe you Katie
Thank you so much for putting all of this together and sharing!! I can’t wait to get started decorating our new home, and this makes it so much easier!! Can I just have one of everything please??? 🙂