Welcome, to The Style Avenue! The Style Avenue was created as an “avenue” for women of all ages to get fashion, lifestyle, and home inspiration.
I’m not sure if you would call it an addiction or an obligation or maybe even eclectic, but I love all things pink and I love mixing prints. There’s nothing more fun then taking the unexpected and mixing them together to make a fabulous outcome. Here at The Style Avenue, I will be sharing my personal style through not only fashion, but through home and beauty. When I love something, I love it whole-heartedly so I will always be true to this community and what I share. I love finding a good sale, so you can always count on me to share the best sales with you! My mission is to show that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to find quality items to stay stylish.
A little bit about me, my name is Katie and I am a 20-something who finally turned her dream into a reality. I live near Jackson, MS with my loving husband, KP. We are high school sweethearts and married in July of 2017. He is the love of my life and The Style Avenue would not be possible without him and his encouragement. Oh, and his photo taking skills! I graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Fashion Merchandising with minors in both Marketing and Business Administration.
Again, I am so excited to share with you all on The Style Avenue. If you ever have any questions, feel free to always contact me! I hope that you all love this outlet as much as I do!
Katie Peoples